Accept Accelerated checkout payment options

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What is it?

Accelerated checkout helps speed up the checkout process by using saved payment and shipping information of returning customers customers.

Why should you care?

Shopify’s Accelerated checkout decreases the steps consumers must take to make a payment. This means that when customers don’t have their credit card at hand they are less likely to think “I’ll do this later” and then inevitably forget. Accelerating the payment & shipping processes helps to decrease abandoned carts from user

Read our blog post for more details!

Let us do the work!

We will:

  • Review current payment options
  • Identify accelerated Checkout payment options
  • Determine methods of implementing
  • Test payment method and confirm proper working


This task should take no longer than one hour

Time to call in the ‘A’ Team?

Still have a couple lingering questions? Talk to someone on our team and they will answer your questions and point you in the right direction