What is it?
A contact page is any page on your website that instructs your visitors on the best methods for reaching your company. This can be for support/customer service, sales calls, or general outreach. Items most commonly found on a contact page are: phone numbers, email addresses, forms, mailing/corporate address, map of location, and even a live chat function.
Why should you care?
Having an easy to navigate Contact form is essential to customer engagement. If visitors cannot quickly understand the best way to reach you (or their preferred method is not available) they are likely to either leave or become frustrated. Even more important, if your contact form does not look “official” many visitors will immediately navigate away. These days nobody wants to submit their information through any questionable looking form.
When it comes to contact forms it is important to make sure they are database driven. Should anything ever happen to your email or a submission is accidentally deleted there will be a full record of everyone who has ever reached out to you. This also makes it easy to upload customers and leads to a CRM.
Lastly, it is also important to make sure that your contact methods have reasonable spam prevention set up. Having a contact form that is inundated with fake submissions is not only annoying, but is also a security risk should someone send something malicious through the form.

Let us do the work!
We are happy to:
- Perform a design Review to make sure the page is optimized for the user experience
- Implement any design changes to the page or template
- Evaluate current contact form submission method
- Determine if a replacement method is needed to include database drive submissions
- Setup and add REcaptcha to form
- Setup and add Spam Filtering to forms
- Perform Form Validation Check
- Add additional contact methods such as addresses, phone numbers and Google map, social media accounts, etc.
- Setup TXT Messaging services
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