Startup founders and entrepreneurs have one month to sign up for Boston's Big IDEA innovation challenge. Easy to sign up and win big for your business!

If you haven’t entered your startup in Boston’s Big IDEA (BBI) challenge yet, you should. For one, all entrants get $250 in Amazon Web Services credits – just for signing up.
Not only that, you might actually win the Entrepreneur’s Dream Package, which includes all of this amazing stuff, and you’re only competing against 15 other companies so far (as of Wednesday morning).
Of course, while those odds sound awesome, especially when (just between us) your idea is totes the best on the planet, it turns out that everyone signs up at the last minute. Odd … doesn’t sound like a startup founder at all.
Marketing Associate for G2 Technology Group, the biz behind BBI, Jesse Lyons assures us that “entrepreneurs really maximize their time.” (That’s marketing genius at work, right there!)
So, how good are entrepreneurs at maximizing their time? Jesse said that during the last BBI competition, there were 12 applicants with one month to go, and almost 50 signed up during the final 36 hours. Dang!
So, while the odds of you winning the $5,000 in cash and more than $50,000 in business-building prizes are phenomenal now, expect the competition to spike that last day (April 30).
But don’t let that stop you! Even if you don’t care about a guaranteed $250 in Amazon Web Services credits, you should probably sign upsimply because it’s ridiculously easy to sign up.
Seriously, all you need to enter is a summary of your business proposition and an elevator pitch. We know the chaos of starting a business, but you probably at least have those two things down, right?
And, hey, if you do win the package, a bunch of the initial business-building chaos will be taken care of for you – for free.
If you haven’t checked out the package yet, those things include: $10,000 in Amazon Web Services credits from AWS Activate, one-year membership to, one year of SmartBooksbookkeeping and account management, business plan development and coaching from Crews Coaching Group, one year of Managed DevOps Accelerator from G2 Tech Group, and one year of website support from us!
Can’t wait until you win before launching your website? Download our Website Launch Checklist to make sure everything’s covered.